ZipJob Review From Unbiased Experts Review by TopResumeWritingServices

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September, 2024 Last Update


Total rating30/100


  • offers a 60-day interview guarantee
  • the website is user-friendly


from $139

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Nowadays, there are so many open vacancies that wait for their perfect workers. In order to differ from other candidates, you have to write and present an excellent resume and cover letter. As demand has increased, there are many resume writing companies that are ready to assist.

While looking for an appropriate resume writing company, you can meet ZipJob service. There are pretty enough negative ZipJob reviews on the Internet. Therefore, we decided to prepare our ZipJob review with all details and important information about this service.

ZipJob: Basic Information

ZipJob is a resume writing helper online. When you go on its website, you will find out that it does not differ from other resume writing companies. The design is simple and user-friendly. According to its website, it offers only high-quality writings. But we are interested in the true quality of resume writing. As the company says, you will receive 2 or 3 times more job interviews if you place an order in this company.

The most important question in this review is ZipJob legit, ZipJob scam, and is it worth using.

ZipJob: Advantages and Disadvantages

Strengths and weaknesses are things that define any resume writing company. We gathered reviews from real former clients from independent platforms of testimonials and have something to say about the pros and cons of ZipJob resume writing company.


  • offers a 60-day interview guarantee;
  • the website is user-friendly.


  • support is on a low level;
  • ZipJob team of writers delivers written resumes with delays;
  • ZipJob does not offer discounts;
  • Unresponsive writers.

Online Rating

We have already said in this overview that you can find many negative zipjob reviews. Many clients stayed unsatisfied with the result they got. There were many reasons why clients complained about ZipJob’s operation. The conclusion was the same: they do not recommend using ZipJob resume writing company.

Does ZipJob Offer any Guarantees?

We have said previously that one of the advantages of ZipJob is that it provides a 60-day interview guarantee. It means that if you do not receive 2 times more job interviews for two months, a company will update your resume. It sounds attractive, but in reality, everything differs:

  1. This guarantee only applies to those who have purchased “Fast Track” and “Premium” packages.
  2. Even many of those clients who have paid for these packages did not receive this guarantee. What’s that supposed to mean? Does ZipJob simply throw words to the wind?
  3. ZipJob does not provide a money-back guarantee.

List of Proposed Services

ZipJob offers to purchase one of 3 packages with different services. They are the “Launch” package, “Fast Track” package, and “Premium” package. Simply speaking, ZipJob offers such services as resume writing, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn Update.

Ordering Process

ZipJob company will not start to help you until you pay for your order. It is the first thing that should worry you. When you make a payment, you will receive several emails. The first one is a confirmation email. The second email includes all the information concerning the ordering process.

In the beginning, you need to fill out the questionnaire about yourself for your future resume writer. Then, an option appears that enables you to download your existing resume. If you do not have drafts of your resume, you can skip this step. Next, an option enables you to upload documents that will help your future writer know more about you. Then, include your contact information. At the next point, you can mention what things you do not like in the draft of your resume. Or simply indicate that you do not have any drafts. The last step is mentioning your strengths, skills, and traits as a potential candidate for a particular vacancy.

Pricing Policy and Discounts

Pricing is an essential part of any resume writing service. Speaking about ZipJob, prices are based on the number of features. As you can remember, there are three packages proposed by ZipJob.

  • “Launch” package involves resume writing, keyword optimization, revisions, and communication with your writer. It costs $139.
  • “Fast Track” package includes resume writing, a 60-day interview guarantee, features of the “Launch” package, and writing of a cover letter. This package costs $189.
  • “Premium” package involves quick 3-day delivery, features of the previous two packages, LinkedIn Update, and work with the most experienced writers on staff. It costs $299.

Concerning discounts, ZipJob does not offer coupons, codes, loyalty programs to its new and returning clients.

Quality Indicator

Many clients complained that they purchased the “Premium” package and waited for great results. But no miracle happened. NO matter what package you will purchase, you will get the identical low quality of your resume and cover letter writing. Even the advantages of ZipJob can’t save the situation when the quality of resumes is really low. Here is the question that arises: for what do clients pay money?

Level of Customer Support

First, note that Customer Support of ZipJob does not operate 24/7. It works according to the concrete working hours; therefore, if you do not correspond to its time zone, it can be difficult to contact the support manager. Moreover, you will have to wait a long time for an answer from a customer support agent. There were cases when clients have waited for several days. There are some ways to contact the support team: via phone, email, or live chat.

Additional Services

ZipJob does not offer extra services. Still, they propose unlimited revisions. It sounds useful, but in reality, it is hard to ask for revisions from a writer. All because writers become unresponsive after they deliver the final, as they think, resume draft.

Rely Just on Top Services from Reliable Companies

If we look through this overview of ZipJob, we can with certainty claim that it is a bad idea to ask for help with your resume writing. Moreover, Zipjob reviews from unsatisfied clients can reinforce our conclusion. We advise relying on trustworthy and reputable resume writing companies.

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Is Zipjob Legit?

Although ZipJob is regarded as a legit company, this does not solve problems of low quality of written resumes, low level of support managers, issues with guarantees, etc.

Is Zipjob a Scam?

Unsatisfied clients say that ZipJob is a scam. They have every right to affirm it. Those clients paid money and received zero results. ZipJob does not offer money-back even when the fault for a low quality belongs to the company.

Is Zipjob Good?

According to the availability of a large number of problems with ZipJob, we can say that this company is not good for cooperation.

Is Zipjob Safe?

ZipJob is not a safe company. There are no actual guarantees. Therefore, if you decide to order resume writing, be prepared to be left with nothing.

Is Zipjob Trustworthy?

ZipJob is not a trustworthy company. It has many problems to work under. The company has to change many things to be a reliable company.

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