Best Resignation Letter Examples
Have you received an attractive job offer and decided to quit your job? Or maybe your life circumstances have been put together so that there is a necessity to leave your previous job? In any case, it is required to create the so-called resignation letter. Below you will find valuable advice on how to create this letter and consider a sample.
Use Letter and Email Samples to Resign from a Job
The resignation letter can be written in free form with an indication of the date. It must be entered to the boss 14 days before the expected date of the dismissal itself. However, you need to warn your superiors about your decision in advance.
If it is impossible to apply in person, it can be sent by mail. However, in this case, it is important to issue a letter with delivery confirmation. This is necessary to know exactly from what date the countdown of 14 days begins.
Basic Resignation Letter Samples
A general letter of resignation is a method to formally announce your resignation, even if you have previously discussed your resignation with colleagues and the boss. Writing a letter like this is an act of courtesy that can help keep a good relationship with the employer and the team.
In a letter, you should write that you value the time you spent in the company. If working for the company has not been particularly easy and joyful for you, you can express your gratitude briefly. It is also recommended to offer assistance to the employer in finding or training a new employee.
The letter of resignation should be simple, focused, and understandable. It is necessary to observe general guidelines for business letters. You do not need to use complex speech structures or long sentences, as this can complicate the perception of its main essence.
Short Notice Resignation Letters
Today, short notice resignation letters are often used. Their main purpose is to inform the manager of the resignation. They are drafted in the same way as the basic letters of resignation but differ in length. The information is presented here clearly and concisely. The intention – the desire to leave the job – and the reason are indicated. The gratitude for the invaluable work experience is expressed. The completion of all important matters, their transfer to a new employee is guaranteed.
Resignation Letters with a Reason for Leaving
It’s great if you decide to describe in detail the reason for your departure from work. It is advisable to be sincere when talking about the reason for leaving. Despite this, it is recommended not to forget about diplomacy. If you don’t like the company, the team, or the boss, then you shouldn’t talk about it. It is better if the boss will maintain a great experience of you as an employee.
If the reason for your departure is because you found a new job or you were offered a higher salary, then you need to write about this. Maybe, your boss wants you to keep you and will make a great offer?
Other reasons, such as fatigue and the desire to change the type of activity, also need to be indicated. Family problems or the need to change the place of residence are also serious reasons for changing a job.
Thus, the main reasons for leaving a job are as follows:
- Not enough time for personal life;
- Desire to find the best opportunities;
- Family or medical reasons;
- Organizational restructuring;
- Retirement, etc.
State the reason for your resignation in the letter and be sure that the leader will understand it and accept your decision.
Various Types of Resignation Letter Samples
It follows from the above that there are many reasons for writing a resignation letter. There also are several varieties of resignation letters, including:
- Formal letter;
- Basic letter;
- Two-week notice resignation;
- No notice resignation;
- Short notice resignation;
- Job-specific resignation;
- Heartfelt resignation;
- Letter with regret;
- Thank you letter;
- Independent contractor letter, etc.
Job-Specific Resignation Letters
When writing a letter of resignation, you should take into account the specifics of your job and the position you hold. Resignation letters written by a teacher, mechanic, doctor, nurse, volunteer, architect, designer, programmer, salesperson, etc., will differ. This is due to the field of activity and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.
Resignation Letter Template
The letter of resignation has certain rules for the preparation and execution. Special requirements are imposed on it due to its belonging to information and reference documents. When composing a letter, you must think in detail for what purpose you are drawing it up. First of all, you need to make it clear for yourself what the addressee knows about the subject of the letter. It is also important to determine what information is new, not yet known to the addressee, for the sake of which the letter is being compiled. The character of the argumentation and the composition of the text will depend on the target setting of the letter.
The written letter should be clearly structured. A well-structured paper will allow to correctly convey and understand its essence, as well as receive an intelligible, clear answer. The resignation letter usually consists of several main parts. Try to carefully consider the below template and include each part in your paper:
- Sender information. The sender’s information is given first. This part must include your first and last name, residential address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
- Date. Indicate the date the letter was written. This is important to understand from what moment the countdown begins until the end of the work;
- Information about the addressee. Don’t forget to include recipient information. First, write his name, then the job position, and full address;
- Appeal. It is a grammatically independent and intonationally isolated component of a sentence or a more complex syntactic whole, denoting a person or object to which speech is addressed. This small part of the text is extremely significant for communication purposes. A correctly chosen appeal attracts the addressee’s attention and sets the right tone for the correspondence, and contributes to the establishment and maintenance of business relations. The punctuation mark following the appeal deserves special attention. The comma after the address gives the letter a mundane character, and the exclamation mark emphasizes the importance and official style;
- Preamble or introductory part. This part explains the reasons and purposes of writing a letter to this particular addressee. The information presented in the preamble should lead the reader to an adequate perception of the main part of the letter. The volume of this part can vary considerably: it can be short (one sentence) and detailed (several sentences and even paragraphs);
- The general aim of a letter. This section includes a brief statement of the main reason why this business letter is being written. For example, “I am writing a letter in connection with …”, “We would like to inform you that …”, etc.;
- Main part. The main part should consist of several interconnected and logically ordered sentences. Here the main information is represented. This section ends with a summary with an expression of hope, confidence, apology, etc.;
- The conclusion often represents the formula of politeness. Final phrases depend on the subject of the letter and the degree of familiarity with the addressee. For example, “Sincerely yours …”. The surname and first name of the author are indicated under this phrase.
Writing the text of a letter of resignation is a laborious process. An important task when composing a paper is its information saturation, that is, the inclusion of the required amount of information in it.
Example of a Basic Resignation Letter
Below you can see an interesting sample of a letter of resignation.
Jane Oliver
100 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA 91010· (000) 345 5671·
September 1, 2020
Mr. Walton Simmons
General Manager
Westminster Tower & Spa
100 Broadway Lane
New Parkland, CA 91010
Dear Mr. Walton,
Please consider this appeal as a short notice resignation letter. I want to leave work in two weeks. My last working day will be September 15th.
I am very grateful to you for the time that I spent in your company Forge Global Inc. I gained invaluable experience that will definitely come in handy in the future. I will miss you and the team very much, as it is a pleasure to work with specialists of such a high level. But I have to leave because of the move to another area of the city. This circumstance will not allow me to come to the workplace on time every day and require an earlier departure.
If I can help with finding or training a new employee, I will be happy to help; just let me know.
Jane Oliver
Letter of Forgiveness to the Team of Employees
When leaving work, you also should write a letter to your colleagues. Especially if you have developed a good relationship with them. A letter to say goodbye to colleagues does not have a clearly defined structure and can be written in a freestyle.
Here’s an example:
Dear Colleagues!
I am forced to leave Forge Global Inc starting September 15, 2020, due to a move to a different area of the city. I apply for another job with a mixed sense of hope and bitterness. I’m sad because Forge Global Inc is a great company. The company is good primarily due to its team. Working with you was fun and easy. In any difficult situation, some of you were sincerely ready to help. My functions will be performed by Jess Smith, so you can address all your questions to her.
Sincerely yours,
Jane Oliver