How to Address a Cover Letter: Who to Address

It may be difficult for you to write a cover letter. To be true, working on the CV is a responsible task. You should be careful and work on the structure to impress the employers. 

What is the most challenging part of a cover letter? You may say that listing your weak and strong sides is quite complicated. Others may admit that telling about the professional experience is exhausting, too. However, the trickiest section is the very beginning of the letter. 

How should you address the paper? What is a perfect way to structure your greeting? These are the questions to be answered in the article. Let’s get to the text and see how to manage Cover Letter writing right now. 

What Are the Best Ways to Address a Cover Letter

Do you know what type of greeting to choose? If you are a native speaker, you may find it less complicated. However, it is a real struggle for people who learn the target language as their second language. What are the norms? Do you need to use names only, or should you resort to the full name too? 

There are two basic ways you may follow when writing a CV. But first, let’s remember the place of a salutation. If you have a well-structured template, you won’t find it difficult to insert the salutation. But with a badly organized writing space, you will need to put a salutation after the date. Now let’s see what the most common ways to address your CV are. 

1. Don’t You Know the Hiring Manager’s Gender?

When you understand that you don’t know the gender of the recipient, you should be careful. It is better to avoid title specificities in the greeting. There’s a neutral indicator, “Mx,” so make sure to use it in such cases. Or you can simply write a full name to avoid any inconsistency. 

2. Do You Know the Hiring Manager’s Gender?

It is easier when you know the gender. In such cases, use “Mr” for men. When it comes to women, you should opt for “Ms.” These are the neutral options so that you don’t get into trouble with the greeting. 

Professional and Academic Titles

What about professional titles? Or what can you say about academic names? If a person has a specific title, you have to include it in the CV. Otherwise, it will be disrespectful to the reader. But be careful. If you mispronounce the title or use the wrong one, it can have more severe consequences. 

Where to Find a Correct Name

There are different methods to find the correct name of the person. What ways should you use to get the right salutation? 

  • First off, check the website of the company. There you can find the names of the staff members. 
  • You should also go for LinkedIn. The platform has the titles of all the users registered there. 
  • Can’t find the name? You can also go to Google and look for it online.

These are tricky methods. But if you still can’t find the correct name to spell the name or the exact title, you should contact the enterprise and check it directly. 

How to Address a Cover Letter without a Name

Don’t you want to refer to a person with the name? We have alternatives. Let’s see what other approaches you can take to make it easier. 

Alternatives to “To Whom It May Concern”

There are cases when you can’t simply find the name. You have searched for it, and the Internet has failed to give you the exact name. What is the answer in this case? The answer is easy. You can use the common name “manager,” which is suitable in all cases. Or you can also reach the department without mentioning any personal information. 


Even the most proficient and experienced specialists may know little about the correct Cover Letter writing. Describing your strong and weak sides can sometimes be easier than addressing the letter. In the guide, you can find helpful pieces of advice to work on the salutation correctly. 

Looking for help?

Sometimes you don’t have enough time to work on the CV. What should you do in this case? If you feel that writing a CV is problematic for you, you should ask for support. Our online platform is ready to offer your expert pieces of advice to write the resume. You can rely on our proficient service and enjoy your immaculate resume in the end.